Even though on a daily basis, we receive and measure feedback from our customers, we also believe it is critical to poll our customers, especially when change is in the air. As we transition all of our customers to the new network, we want to make sure the overall customer satisfaction is measured. A survey is a more powerful indicator of overall success precisely because it captures the key points from you, our customers.
The results: Satisfaction is quite high for the new network
Our survey saw a record number of responses. We appreciate the continued high marks and the thoughtful feedback.
Our initial overall customer satisfaction with the new network, which we believe will continue to grow, is quite high. Drilling down, we see that:
We Love the Kudos
We are always touched when we receive positive customer comments. Here is a selection from this survey:
“The switch was simple and painless. I am completely satisfied with the new network.”
“I Immediately noticed increased call quality, data coverage, and data speeds.”
“It was very easy to switch from the old to the new network. It happened quickly and effortlessly.”
“The new network is better in every way – wider coverage, faster data speeds, better call quality, and more features including using data while on a cellular call.”
“The new network has so much better coverage! I work in remote areas and never got anything beyond voice/text once I was out of the major towns. This week since switching, I’ve been in a remote area near the Canadian border known for a lack of service for anyone, and I’m still getting LTE now and then! Even in most areas I didn’t have data service before, I’m getting LTE!”
“The expanded coverage! Life changing!”
“Stronger more consistent coverage. 5G shows up now in select areas, data is faster.”
“Directions were clear and easy to follow. Switched over two existing phones in 15 minutes. Easy peasy.”
We Also Appreciate the Candid Feedback
It’s not just about what is good, but also about how we can improve the level of customer satisfaction. We also received recommendations that would help us improve our service and we shared this feedback internally with our entire team. The feedback is meaningful guidance for us. We listen and act.
Thank you to everyone that took our initial survey. There is more to come!